What to expect on your first (non-emergency) visit
Your first non-emergency visit with us is an important one, since we will be gathering all kinds of information—from you, from your child and from any other dental and medical records you have—in order to determine the right course of care for your child. At this visit, we will do a comprehensive exam and cleaning.
What to bring to your first (non-emergency) visit
- Previous dental records, if any
- Dental insurance card and explanation of benefits (any literature that lists the details of coverage for your particular plan)
What to expect at your First Visit (Children under three)
- A visual check of the mouth teeth (if any) and tongue by a dentist
- A cleaning and polishing if the child is ready
- A discussion with parents of any new developments or findings
- A prize from the treasure tower.
- A happy patient ready to come back for more!
What to expect at a comprehensive examination
- An interview with a dentist to evaluate the child’s needs and to discover expectations concerning possible treatment
- Clean and polish teeth
- Apply a fluoride varnish
- An oral examination by the dentist
- Possible digital x-rays for a clear picture
- A discussion of findings and recommended treatment plan, as well as an estimate of the length of treatment and the fees involved
What to expect at a regular dental check-up and cleaning appointment
We recommend a dental check-up at least twice a year for most children. In order to help you stay on a regular schedule, we send a check-up “recall” card when your child is due for a check-up. At each check-up appointment, you can expect us to do the following:
- Review the child’s medical and dental history
- Clean and polish teeth
- Apply a fluoride varnish
- An oral examination by the dentist
- A discussion between the dentist and parents of any important findings or developments.
We will also talk with your child about taking responsibility for the care of their own smile and send them home with a soft new toothbrush and dental floss.